How to make Hawaiian Banana Bread

How to make Hawaiian Banana Bread
The Hawaiian Banana Bread is one out of the three Banana Breads I will be showing you how to bake. I love this particular so much because it has that Hawaiian taste… Its really delicious!

·        Bananas
·        Shortening [Butter]
·        Flour
·        Eggs
·        Sugar
·        Salt
·        Soda
·        Spices [Cloves,nutmeg, allspice]

1 cup shortening [Butter] + 2 cups sugar } Cream together
6 ripe Bananas [Big ones] ---- Peel, Mash well and add
4 eggs  ---- Add 1 at a time to the mixture, beating well
2 ¼  cups flour + 1 teaspoon salt + 2 teaspoon soda + 1 teaspoon allspice + ½ teaspoon ground cloves + ½ teaspoon nutmeg } Sift Together and add to the main mixture.

Mix and spread into two 8 × 4 inch loaf pans. Bake in 350 F oven for 45 – 50 minutes [ 1 cup of chopped nuts can be added if you wish]. Tastes Great!!!!


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