How to make your own Orange-Lemon Marmalade:

Orange-Lemon Marmalade in jars
In this post I'll show you how to make your own very nice Orange-Lemon marmalade.

·         Oranges
·         Lemons
·         Sugar
·         Water
12 oranges
3 lemons

Slice the above fruits very thin. Measure and add 2 cups water for each 1 cup fruit. Let it stand for 24 hours.
2nd Day: Boil this mixture 30 minutes, then let it stand for 24 hours.
3rd Day: Measure 3 cups of fruit-and-water into several pans. Add 2 cups of sugar to each pan with 3 cups fruit-and-water

Cook each panful about 2 hours. Pour into hot sterile jars and seal. It Makes about 12 Jars.


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