How to make Banana Bread:

How to make Banana Bread
If you can remember I earlier showed you how to bake the Hawaiian Banana Bread, but the recipe I'll be showing you in this post is a more general banana bread recipe and I bet you'll really enjoy it!...

·         Ripe bananas
·         Flour
·         Cinnamon
·         Baking Soda
·         Nutmeg
·         Eggs
3 cups flour
2 teaspoons soda
½ teaspoon cinnamon
½ teaspoon nutmeg } Stir together in  a large bowl
2 cups ripe bananas --- Blend in a blender [liquidizer]
2 eggs ---- Add to banana.
¾ cup oil + 1 cup sugar } Beat until fluffy. Add bananas and eggs, then the flour mixture.

Pour into two 9 × 5 inch bread loaf pans. Bake in 350 F or 180 C oven for 1 hour [ you can sprinkle nuts on top if you wish.

Alternatively, If you have more eggs and fewer bananas, Use 3 eggs, 1 ½ cups banana and 2 cups flour.


  1. Yummy! I rili want 2 eat d bread.Tnx 4 d recipe.BEVERLY.


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