How to make Crispy Fried Noodles

Crispy Fried Noodles
·         2 packs of medium size noodles [Indomie noodles (or any other) chicken flavor]
·         10 pair of chicken liver, cut
·         1 cauliflower, broken into florets
·         4 garlic cloves, finely chopped
·         Flour and water paste
·         Salt
·         Pepper
·         Cooking / vegetable oil
1.       Boil noodles in briskly boiling water and simmer for 1.5 minutes [half cooked]. Take noodles out from water and drain well.
2.       Fry noodles in hot cooking oil and press slightly until it turns golden brown. Drain the fried noodles
3.       Fry garlic in oil until brown and add chicken liver, cauliflower florets, salt, pepper and the noodles seasoning powder. Add the flour and water paste.[Water can be added for more broth]. Mix well.
4.       Put fried noodles in a large dish and cover with the chicken liver on top.
5.       Serve while hot.

*Makes 6 – 8 servings. 


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