How to Make your own Vinegar:

In this post, I will be showing you how to make your own vinegar in three different ways.
Well for those who are not so familiar with vinegar, I’ll say vinegar is a kind of a very mild acidic liquid that is used for Sauces, Dips, Pickles, Relishes, Salad cream, e.t.c.
I will start by showing you how to make vinegar from Pineapple! Did I just say Pineapple? Yes!

How to make vinegar from Pineapple:
Cut ripe but not over ripe pineapple, including rind [that is the back of the pineapple], to fill an enamel pail or any container depending on how much you want, and set it in the sun for 3 weeks. Strain, boil the liquid for 30 minutes and bottle. And that’s it!!
The second method is how to make vinegar from Mango, Yes mango of course!!

How to make Vinegar from Mango:
Cut enough Mangoes to fill an enamel pail or any container depending on how much you want, add water and 1 pound [500g or 1.5 oz] brown sugar to fill pail to the level of the mangoes. Cover with a cloth and leave in the sun for 3 weeks. Strain, boil the liquid for 30 minutes, and put in sterile bottles.
The very last method is the very conventional way, and it is by mixing chemicals! Yes Chemical!!

How to make vinegar from Chemicals:
Mix 1 part Acetic acid from Chemist with 2 parts apple juice and 20 parts water, Stir and bottle.

YEAH, those are the various ways you can make your own vinegar!!!


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