How to make Akara [Beans Cake]

 Akara [Beans Cake] and Fried Yam

In this post, we’ll be looking the simple steps involved in making “Akara” also known as “Bean Cake”. This is a Nigerian meal that is mostly eaten as breakfast with Pap [Akamu] or fried yam or sweet potatoes, or bread. It is highly nutritious and also very tasty.
So let’s get started…

·         Beans [white beans]
·         Egg
·         Pepper
·         Salt
·         Onions
·         Oil [Groundnut or vegetable]
1 cup beans } Soak in water for 1 hour, wash and remove skins. Grind to a smooth paste. Beat very well until fluffy, rather like cake batter, [Bean paste can be frozen.]

1 Egg + 1 chopped or ground onion + 1 teaspoon salt + ¼ teaspoon pepper} Add, and mix alittle.

Form into small balls and deep fry, in groundnut oil.
Then Enjoy!!!
[Note: the recipe can be doubled or tripled to make more]


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