How to prepare your own Delicious Yogurt from Home

Today, we’ll take a look on how you can prepare your own delicious yogurt from home. It’s very easy but requires you to follow the steps keenly for a good result. Well, I guess you can’t wait to prepare your own yogurt.
Let’s get started, first get then ingredients below:

·         Water
·         Milk Powder
·         Culture / Starter [yogurt from a friend or restaurant]
·         Flavors, colour,sugar [Optional]

2 cup [16 fl oz] Filtered water, at room temperature,
2 cups [8 oz, in weight] milk powder,
2 level tablespoon [1 fl oz] culture\starter [yogurt from a friend or resturant] : } Mix well
2 cup nearly-boiling water [16 fl oz]: Add, stirring to blend rapidly.

Cover the bowl, or put mixture into 4 warmed jam jars and cover. Set in quiet corner of kitchen, where it will not be disturbed, and immediately wrap jars or bowl in a thick nest of towels [8 layers of thick fluffy bath towels]. Allow to set.

Check after 2 ½ - 3 hours on a hot day [or 4 hours on a cooler day] to see whether it has set. It should be solid, like a jelly or custard. Refrigerate as soon as it is set.
You can use 2 tablespoon from your yogurt as culture [starter] for the next batch.

You may also add flavors[vanila,strawberry, etc],  colour, fruits[strawberry,etc] to the yorgurt, and maybe a little sugar for the sweet toothed ones.

Common Failures:
 People fear the culture won’t really work, and use too much. Using more yogurt as a starter does NOT make a better yogurt, but rather a sour and watery one. The bacillus bacteria does not like to be crowded, so use level tablespoons, or 1 oz for the 4 cup liquid. Also, in our warm climate it will work faster than you expect; it is not necessary to leave it overnight.
 Finally, people often fear that they have lost a culture if they have been without electricity or have have waited too long to make a new batch. But normally, the yogurt which has become sour can be used to make pancakes or a cake using sour milk, and a spoonful of it will make a new creamy yogurt: the bacillus bacteria is still alive in it.
[Occasionally yogurt may curdle: if so, your water may have been too hot when poured into the mixture; it should not be fully boiling. Try again, using a spoonful of even the curdled product, just as when you have no electricity]


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