How to make Steamed Bean Cakes [Moi- Moi]

Today, we’ll be looking at how to make the Steamed Bean Cakes also known as “Moi-Moi” or “Alele". This is a bean meal mostly made and eaten by Nigerians. It is a very delicious and also very nutritious meal. Well, Enough of the talking, so let’s get started...
If you haven’t eaten it before, am sure a trial will convince you and any where you get stocked, am always there to assist [ just a phone call away]

·         White beans
·         Onions
·         Tomatoes [fresh and paste]
·         Red pepper[fresh]
·         Oil [groundnut or palm oil]
·         Egg
·         Salt
·         Optional [Maggi cubes, Curry powder, Corned beef, Liver, Fish, Crayfish, Shrimps]
1 ½ cup white beans } Soak 15-30 minutes, clean and remove skins. Grind, adding enough water to make it easy say about 1/3 cup. A liquidizer [blender] may be used for this process.

 2-3 small onions + 1 large or 2 small tomatoes + red pepper to taste } Grind or liquidize and add.
Beat the beans fluffy, adding ¾ - 1 ½ cups hot water. Beat well.

1 or 2 teaspoon tomato paste + 1 egg whisked [well beaten] } Add.

Add about 1/3 cup groundnut or palm oil --- Palm oil should be clear in colour. Add oil until it is visible, the mixture showing a shiny appearance.

The above are basic ingredients, you can also add 2 maggi cubes, ½ -2 teaspoon curry powder heated with the oil, up to ½ tin corned beef. Some people like to add some dried fish or crayfish, or bits of liver, or sliced or chopped hard-cooked[that is egg cooked for 10 minutes and above], or chopped shrimps. Add salt to taste.

Grease molds [peak milk tins would do] and fill them, allowing room for expansion. Cover with foil and set in pot, with water about 1 inch deep around them. Cover the pot tightly, and steam about 30 minutes.

Then Enjoy!! It goes well with Pap [Akamu] or Jellof rice.


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