How to make/bake a delicious “Corn Bread”

Corn Bread

Today, I’ll be showing you how to make my favorite corn food or meal, which is the corn bread. If you follow these very simple steps that I’ll be showing you, then am 101% sure that you will come up with a wonderful and tasty corn bread. And when you are done, please don’t forget to give me a call so that I can stop over for a cup of coffee.

First, get the ingredients below:  

·        Cornmeal [ Corn flour]
·        Flour
·        Sugar
·        Egg
·        Milk
·        Baking powder
·        Salt
·      Shortening[which may be butter, Chicken fat or beef drippings]

¾ cup cornmeal, 1 cup flour, 1/3 cup sugar, 3 teaspoon baking powder, and ¾ teaspoon salt }Stir together in a large  mixing bowl.
1 cup milk, 1 egg [well beaten], 2 tablespoon shortening [which may be butter, chicken fat or beef drippings if desired] } Mix together and add.

Bake in an 8 inch square pan for 20 minutes in 425F or 220C oven.


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