How to make your own delicious Cheese Pizza from Home

Cheese Pizza
In today’s post we’ll looking at how we can make a cheese pizza, which is very much like the way other pizzas are made with only just slight differences. So without saying much, let’s see how we can make our own pizza at home and not dashing to the pizza outlets or shops every time we want to eat a pizza. With this you can customize your own pizza to fit exactly what you want!. Won’t that be great?, Sure I guess.

·         Flour
·         Yeast
·         Oil [olive or vegetable]
·         Cheese
·         Salt and Pepper
·         Onions and Garlic
·         Tomatoes [whole or  paste]
·         Parsley, Basil, Oregano
·         Meat or sausage, sweet peppers, mushrooms, etc., that you may have available

4/3 cup very warm water + 1 tablespoon yeast } Dissolve

2 tablespoon oil [ olive or vegetable] + 2 teaspoon salt + 4 cup flour} Add,  stir smooth.

 Knead on a board sprinkled with 1/3 cup flour. Allow to rise, in an oiled bowl, cloth-covered, for 2 hours. Turn onto a board, cut into 3 with a knife and roll each piece to a 14 inch circle, or to a 10 × 16 inch rectangle. Lift over to baking sheet, and pat in place, making a slight rim all around.

1 cup sliced onion + 1 garlic clove, crushed } Saute[fry] 3 minutes in 3 tablespoon oil .

½ teaspoon sugar + 1 tablespoon chopped parsley + 1 ½ teaspoon salt + 1 teaspoon oregano + ¼ teaspoon dried basil + pepper to taste + 4 cups cooked sieved tomato } Add all, simmer 20 minutes. You may use whole tomato, and then liquidize/puree.

Spoon sauce onto pizzas [the recipe is more than enough for 3, as you need only 4 tablespoon sauce for each. Any not used can be stored in fridge, or used over macaroni or spaghetti or eggplant].
Onto each pizza, sprinkle 4 oz grated cheese [= 1 cup]. Add, if desired, any bits of meat or sausage, sweet peppers, mushrooms, etc., that you may have available
Place in a pre-heated 450 – 500 F [230 – 240 C] oven, onto an up-side-down heated baking pan: This makes a crisp crust. [you may also move pizza from its pan to an open rack and return to the oven 1-2 minutes].

Bake 20 minutes, till crust is golden and filling is melted and bubbling . Cool slightly, and the cutting  will be easier; kitchen scissors cut it well. [Mozarella and Parmesan cheese are traditional, but Cheddar and Gouda, etc., can substitute].


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