How to bake a Delicious “Fudge Cake”

Fudge Cake

Hello, in today’s post, I’ll be showing you how to bake one of my very favorite cakes, that is, the Fudge Cake. It's very easy to make So, if you are ready let’s get started. First of all, get the following ingredients:

·        Margarine
·        Eggs
·        Sugar
·        Vanilla
·        Flour
·        Baking Soda
·        Baking Powder
·        Cocoa Powder

¼ cup margarine and 1 ½ cup sugar} Cream together.

1 teaspoon Vanilla and 2 eggs} Add and Beat well.

2 ¼ cup Flour, 1 teaspoon baking soda and 1 teaspoon baking powder}Sift together and add, alternatively with milk below:
1 cup sour milk (1 tablespoon lemon juice or use part yogurt) }Add alternatively with flour.

1/3 cup hot water, ½ cup cocoa and ¼ cup margarine}Mix in small bowl, then add to cake batter.

Then pour into greased 13 × 9” loaf pan, or into 3 layer cake pans (8” or 9”). Bake at 350F or 180 C. The loaf can stay for 50 minutes and the layers for 30 minutes.

When done, cake will shrink from the sides just enough to allow space to slip a knife between cake and pan; a finger touched to top surface will not leave indentation; cake will “hiss” very softly ; a straw or toothpick inserted will come clean.

This cake freezes well, and [iced, with a custard filing between layers] becomes even better after 5 days in the fridge, if you don’t eat it first!


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