How to make Akara [Beans Cake]

 Akara [Beans Cake] and Fried Yam

In this post, we’ll be looking the simple steps involved in making “Akara” also known as “Bean Cake”. This is a Nigerian meal that is mostly eaten as breakfast with Pap [Akamu] or fried yam or sweet potatoes, or bread. It is highly nutritious and also very tasty.
So let’s get started…

·         Beans [white beans]
·         Egg
·         Pepper
·         Salt
·         Onions
·         Oil [Groundnut or vegetable]

How to make Steamed Bean Cakes [Moi- Moi]

Today, we’ll be looking at how to make the Steamed Bean Cakes also known as “Moi-Moi” or “Alele". This is a bean meal mostly made and eaten by Nigerians. It is a very delicious and also very nutritious meal. Well, Enough of the talking, so let’s get started...
If you haven’t eaten it before, am sure a trial will convince you and any where you get stocked, am always there to assist [ just a phone call away]

·         White beans
·         Onions
·         Tomatoes [fresh and paste]
·         Red pepper[fresh]
·         Oil [groundnut or palm oil]
·         Egg
·         Salt
·         Optional [Maggi cubes, Curry powder, Corned beef, Liver, Fish, Crayfish, Shrimps]

How to make great Doughnuts


Hello, Hope you enjoyed the last recipe I shared with you! Well if you missed it you can check that out HERE. 

 Today we’ll be looking how to make some very DELICIOUS Doughnut! Wow, I personally love this particular doughnut recipe so much, because it makes very great doughnuts. So what are you still waiting for?... Let’s get started

How to make / bake a delicious “Carrot tea Bread”

Carrot tea Bread

Hello! Today we’ll take a look at simple steps involved in making a very delicious Carrot tea Bread. It’s simple to make and also very nice. So why not step into the kitchen and lets get started…

·        Carrots
·        Eggs
·        Sugar
·        Oil[Vegetable or Olive]
·        Flour
·        Cinnamon
·        Nutmeg
·        Salt
·        Baking Soda

How to make a delicious “Chocolate Fleck Ice Cream”

Chocolate Fleck Ice Cream
Do you love Ice creams? Yes I do, so today I’ll be showing you how to make the “Chocolate Fleck Ice Cream” which is one of my personal favorite. I sure you will also love it, because it’s simply Delicious! So let’s get started.

·         Eggs
·         Sugar
·         Milk
·         Vanilla
·         Lemon
·         Golden syrup
·         Heavy Cream
·         salt

How to make your own delicious Cheese Pizza from Home

Cheese Pizza
In today’s post we’ll looking at how we can make a cheese pizza, which is very much like the way other pizzas are made with only just slight differences. So without saying much, let’s see how we can make our own pizza at home and not dashing to the pizza outlets or shops every time we want to eat a pizza. With this you can customize your own pizza to fit exactly what you want!. Won’t that be great?, Sure I guess.

·         Flour
·         Yeast
·         Oil [olive or vegetable]
·         Cheese
·         Salt and Pepper
·         Onions and Garlic
·         Tomatoes [whole or  paste]
·         Parsley, Basil, Oregano
·         Meat or sausage, sweet peppers, mushrooms, etc., that you may have available

How to prepare your own Delicious Yogurt from Home

Today, we’ll take a look on how you can prepare your own delicious yogurt from home. It’s very easy but requires you to follow the steps keenly for a good result. Well, I guess you can’t wait to prepare your own yogurt.
Let’s get started, first get then ingredients below:

·         Water
·         Milk Powder
·         Culture / Starter [yogurt from a friend or restaurant]
·         Flavors, colour,sugar [Optional]

How to bake a delicious “Sponge Cake”

Sponge Cake

The sponge cake is one cake that I don’t mind having at every break time, especially with a cup of coffee for those of us who love coffee. Well, today I’ll take you through very simple steps to bake a delicious sponge cake. If you are set, let’s get started  

·        Sugar
·        Margarine
·        Eggs
·        Plain flour
·        Baking powder

How to bake a Delicious “Fudge Cake”

Fudge Cake

Hello, in today’s post, I’ll be showing you how to bake one of my very favorite cakes, that is, the Fudge Cake. It's very easy to make So, if you are ready let’s get started. First of all, get the following ingredients:

·        Margarine
·        Eggs
·        Sugar
·        Vanilla
·        Flour
·        Baking Soda
·        Baking Powder
·        Cocoa Powder

How to make/bake a delicious “Corn Bread”

Corn Bread

Today, I’ll be showing you how to make my favorite corn food or meal, which is the corn bread. If you follow these very simple steps that I’ll be showing you, then am 101% sure that you will come up with a wonderful and tasty corn bread. And when you are done, please don’t forget to give me a call so that I can stop over for a cup of coffee.

First, get the ingredients below:  

·        Cornmeal [ Corn flour]
·        Flour
·        Sugar
·        Egg
·        Milk
·        Baking powder
·        Salt
·      Shortening[which may be butter, Chicken fat or beef drippings]

How to prepare a delicious Chocolate Milkshake

Chocolate Bars

For those of us who love chocolates, then this will really interest you. In this post, I’ll be taking you through very simple steps in preparing a delicious chocolate milkshake. Are you set?... Then let’s get started:

·        Cocoa powder[any chocolate beverage will also be fine]
·        Sugar
·        Milk powder

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