How to make Dinner Rolls

Dinner Rolls

In this post, I'll be showing you how to make dinner rolls. If you follow this Dinner Rolls recipe well, you will come out with  great dinner rolls


  • Sugar
  • Milk powder
  • Margarine
  • Flour
  • Eggs
  • Yeast

½ cup warm water + 2 tablespoons yeast + 1 teaspoon sugar} Dissolve for 10 minutes

2 cup warm water + ½ cup milk powder + ½ cup sugar + 2 teaspoon salt + 2 or 3 eggs + 2/3 cup margarine + 3 ½ cup flour } Combine, stir in the yeast, beat smooth.

4 cup more flour --- Add and knead gently.

1.   Let rise, covered with a damp cloth, in an oiled bowl: about 1 ½ hr.
2.   Punch down, let rise again, till double.
3.   Shape rolls (3-4 dozen), let rise in buttered baking pans.
4.   Bake for 15 minutes at 400F.
5.   ENJOY!


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