How To Make "Fried Plantain" or "Dodo"

How To Make "Fried Plantain" or "Dodo"
In this post I’ll be showing you how to fry Plantain. Some of you may be wondering if there is anyone who can’t fry plantain, but wait a minute, you also learnt it sometime or the other… right! Well for the sake of those who don’t know how to fry plantain, I’ll show you simple steps to fry plantain.

·         Ripe Plantain
·         Vegetable Oil
·         Salt

Peel 2-3 very ripe / ripe Plantains,
 Cut in ¼ inch slices:

Pour some vegetable oil in a frying pan or pot enough to completely cover the plantain slices, then Deep fry a few slices at a time [Depending on the size of the frying pan], until red-brown, about 3 minutes. Drain, sprinkle lightly with salt and keep warm. Then serve!! Nice with Jellof or stewed rice!


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