How to make Cinnamon Rolls

Cinnamon Rolls

We will be using the recipe for Dinner Rolls that I earlier posted, with only 1 ½ cup water if desired.

Divide in half after second rising. Roll each half to a 15 × 9 inch rectangle, and butter it like a piece of bread. Sprinkle 2 teaspoon cinnamon over it and 2-4 tablespoon sugar.

Roll up from long side, for long thin roll. Cut 18 slices and place cut side up in 9 x 13 inch pan; let rise. Bake 25-35 minutes at 375 F.

While warm, mix the frosting below in a saucepan to melt it:

2 tablespoon margarine + 1-2 tablespoon evaporated milk + 1 cup icing sugar + few drops maple or vanilla flavour } Blend.

Pour frosting over warm rolls in a fine stream.

Note: You may add raisins, nuts or currants before rolling the cinnamon-sprinkled dough if you wish.


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