How to prepare/make a delicious Pineapple Milkshake

If you are someone who loves pineapple or milkshake, then I guess you have just landed on a perfect website. Well for now I’ll take through very simple steps in preparing a very delicious pineapple milkshake. So what are you waiting for?... Let’s get started...

·        Pineapple [Medium sized]
·        Milk
·        Lemon or lime [ small one will do]
·        Sugar[Optional]

How to make/prepare a delicious Banana Milkshake

Banana Fruit
For those of you who really love bananas and also love milkshakes, I’ll show you one way you can enjoy your banana or your milkshake. This is simply by turning the banana into a very delicious milkshake. I guess you are already wondering how...? Well, if that is what you are wondering, then you are at the right place. In this post I will be showing you how to make/prepare a delicious Banana Milkshake in just a giffy.
So let’s get started, get the following ingredients below:

·        Bananas
·        Sugar
·        Vanilla
·       Evaporated Milk[ milk+ Ice cream]

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